SPE DL: Reservoir Management Strategies: Applications and Examples of Best Practices

17 Май 2005 Прочитано 5860 раз
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Об Авторе

Александр Кузнецов

Implementation of sound reservoir management strategies is crucial in maximizing economic recoveries. Correct identifications of key geologic features, rock properties, state of reservoir fluids and dominant recovery mechanisms determine applicable reservoir management strategies. The critical steps in devising technically sound strategies should consider all available data and incorporate current technologies. The management strategies selected must be economic, conserve reservoir energy and adaptable to emerging technologies. Five reservoir management principles are presented as guides for determination and implementation of reservoir management strategies. These are: (1) Conservation of reservoir energy (2) Early implementation of simple strategies (3) Sustained and systematic collection of data (4) Continuous application of improved recovery technologies (5) Long term retention of staff in multi-disciplinary teams.

The presentation will review case histories of reservoirs to illustrate the applications of the five reservoir management principles. The first case history is that of the 26R Reservoir. This is a classical example of a gravity drainage reservoir that was later developed massively with horizontal wells. The case histories of MBB/W31S Reservoirs and North Coles Levee Field are compared. These reservoirs are analogous geologically. The impact of reservoir management strategies on reservoir performance is reviewed by comparing the performances of the two reservoirs. Reservoir management strategies should be adopted early in the development plans for deep-water reservoirs. Emphasis is placed on the use of geostatistics in reservoir characterization. Reservoir modeling is discussed as an effective tool for reservoir management.

The presentation will demonstrate through case histories that technically sound reservoir management strategies can be successfully implemented on old and new reservoirs by using the five reservoir management principles in developing reservoir management plans

About the Author

John Nnaemeka Ezekwe holds BS in petroleum engineering, MS in chemical engineering, an MBA and a PhD degree in chemical and petroleum Engineering, all from the University of Kansas. Currently, he is a Reservoir Engineering Advisor with Devon Energy Corporation on special reservoir projects. Previously, he worked for Pennzoil E&P Co. as a Petroleum Engineering Advisor on worldwide projects. From 1982-1998, he worked for Bechtel Petroleum Operations as Manager of Reservoir Studies, Reservoir Engineering Supervisor and Staff Reservoir Engineer. And from 1977-1982, he was a Research Associate at Kurata Thermodynamics Laboratory of the University of Kansas.  He is a registered engineer in Texas and California and has published 15 technical papers on chemical and petroleum engineering topics.

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