OMV Excellence Scholarship

03 Апр 2017 Прочитано 8055 раз
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  • Начало: 03 Апр 2017, 19:00
  • Тип Мероприятия: Конференция

The best deserve the best!

Get ready for one of the biggest challenges of our time: supplying energy for the future!

The Montanuniversität in Leoben offers a cutting edge master’ s degree in petroleum engineering, which combines practical experience and theory in interdisciplinary projects. The program focuses on the technical area of petroleum engineering with the option of specializing in drilling engineering, production engineering or reservoir engineering.


In addition to that a new double degree Master program for Advanced Onshore and Offshore Well Construction is currently under development between the Gubkin University in Moscow and the Montanuniversiät in Leoben for study start 10/2017. Gradates will have the possibility to earn 2 degrees; further details will be published soon.



The new application phase for the application period for 2017/18 starts now:


Your advantages

  • No obligation to pay back (payback clause)
  • Allowance for living costs and meals for the entire year (EUR 490 per month)
  • Allowance for accommodation expenses (EUR 340 per month)
  • University tuition fees paid in full (EUR 363.36 + EUR 18.70 per semester)
  • Funding for additional educational expenses (EUR 15 for books, etc. per semester)
  • Laptop (approximately EUR 800)
  • Travel expenses for international students
  • Support from your OMV mentor
  • Close industry contact throughout your studies


  • Enrollment in bachelor’s program in petroleum engineering or an equivalent technical bachelor’s program in engineering
  • Planned start of master’s program in petroleum engineering in the 2017/18 winter semester at Montanuniversität Leoben
  • Solid academic achievements in the chosen course of study to date
  • Excellent English skills

You will need the following documents

  • Personal statement
  • CV
  • Proof of having completed your bachelor’s degree or information about the examinations you still have to take
  • Transcripts




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