From 12 till 15 November, 2018, at the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University) the X International Youth Scientific and Practical Congress "Oil and Gas Horizons” will be organized by the Gubkin University SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) Student Chapter.
The scale of the Congress is growing every year, and the geography of the participants is expanding. This year will be the tenth anniversary for the "Oil and Gas Horizons". In 2017, the Congress participants became 107 students, undergraduates and postgraduates from 38 universities in 23 countries.
The program of the Congress includes paper contest, intellectual game PetroOlympic Games, motivational training, Technical Case, as well as excursions around the city. The event provides a unique opportunity for students of the world's leading universities studying in various areas of the oil and gas industry to share their knowledge and experience with each other.
The work of the Congress will be attended by experts from the faculties of the University, as well as from leading oil and gas companies.
Within the framework of the Student Paper Contest, the following sections are provided:
• Geological Sciences;
• Drilling and Completion of Wells;
• Oil and Gas Fields Development;
• Oil and Gas Chemistry;
• Health, Safety and Environment;
• Petroleum Economics and Management;
• “Smart”Technologies for Oil and Gas Industry.
There are also 3 additional sections:
• Competition of postgraduate work (PhD);
• Competition of works of young specialists;
• Section of poster presentations.
The Congress "Oil and Gas Horizons", in addition to a lot of experience and bright emotions, give participants a lot of new acquaintances, both with experts of the oil and gas industry and with the same students from all over the world. Winners of the competition of scientific works and intellectual game will be awarded with valuable prizes from sponsors and partners of the Congress.
The official language of the Congress is English.
Do not miss your chance to present scientific work at the largest international youth event of Gubkin University, submitting a thesis before August 20, 2018 on the Congress website: oilandgashorizons.ru
If you have any questions, please contact:
The official e-mail address of the Congress: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Eleonora Belova
President of Gubkin University SPE Student Chapter
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel. 7-916-130-18-87
Polina Letkova
The main organizer of the Congress "Oil and Gas Horizons"
Vice-President of Gubkin University SPE Student Chapter
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel. 7-915-360-35-48