The Results of the 5th InterUniversity Student Conference Devoted to Summer Field Practices

15 Нояб 2013 Прочитано 5195 раз
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  • Начало: 15 Нояб 2013, 19:00

The 5th Interuniversity Student Conference based on the results of summer field-practices took place in October 2013 (15.11.2013-26.11.2013). As it comes from the name, the conference was devoted to the field experience, which students of natural sciences gained during their summer field practices. The main goal of this event follows educational purposes, namely an increase in common state of knowledge among students and stimulation of their scientific skills, which are vital for budding researchers.

To fulfill the aim a great deal of high-class specialists from the best Russian universities and the most well-known companies in oil&gas industry were invited to discuss current demands and future perspectives of student field challenges. Inspired by the idea, EAGE LMSU Student Chapter and SPE LMSU Student Section united in order to organize and coordinate this outstanding student event.

The very start of the conference was the 15th of October, when the representatives of different universities, who operate on field practice development and who seek new opportunities for their students, gathered at the Round Table to discuss key concepts of potential cooperation. The public discussion took place in front of the audience of SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Conference 2013, what brought the talk to a new level and resulted in a number of constructive decisions for the ongoing student practices 2014.

On 17th of October the report session took place, which included 14 oral presentations concerning all the organization details of the student practices.

The last, but not the least, oppositely the most significant block of the conference, took place on 26th of October. Students-participants got a chance to present their summer field practices results in front of the scientific society and their fellow-students. The oral presentations were divided into 3 sections “Geology”, “Geography”, “Biological and Eco Sciences”. It is pleasant to report that representatives of Lomonosov Moscow State University (LMSU), St. Petersburg State University, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, People’s Friendship University of Russia and many others Russian higher educational institutions took part in the oral sessions. Altogether 39 student proceedings were submitted by the selection committee. Overall number of participants – 77.  Among them - 60 full-time and 17 part-time students. The best presentations were selected by the panel of experts, which consisted of senior lecturers and professors, and awarded in accordance with the panel assessment (1st-3rd position).    

Prize winners

Section “Geology” 

1. Çhubarov D., Bondarenko V. (Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU), Institute of Natural Resources). Study of the magnetic anomalies nature in the area of TPU educational-scientific base.

2. Akhmadiev R. ( Lomonosov Moscow State University (LMSU), Faculty of Geology). Evaluation of  AVO-analysis applicability.

3. Eliseeva L.  (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Department of Geology and Geophysics of oil&gas). Interpretation of petrophysical and geophysical well data for seismic modeling applications. Case study: Côte d'Ivoire basin. 


Section “Geography”

1. Karpachevsky A. (Lomonosov Moscow State University (LMSU), Department of Geography). Network modeling as application for housing services. Case study: Zaraiskiy district, Moscow region.

2. Bedrinova D. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Geography). Hydrochemical water sampling in the recreational area of Lake Kotokel (Buryatia).

3. Baranov D., Viskhadzhieva K., D. Tsvetkov (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Geography). The principal results of Khibinskaya geological and geomorphological practice 2013.

4. Koryak E., Mishurinsky D. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Geography).  The principle results of marine geological and geomorphological practice 2013 at the scientific White Sea Biological Station, named after N.A. Pertsov.


Section “Biology and Eco Sciences”

1. Zenin E. (People's Friendship University of Russia, Department of Ecology). Supervising of environment works at oil contaminated lands.

2. Pletenev A., Brilliantova A., Gritsyshin V., Danishevskaya A., Gorin V., Kretova V., Lemazina A., Lukyanchuk O., Marchenko A., Razmadze D.,  (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Biology faculty). The confinedness of the specific birds species to certain natural areas and biotopes.

3. Kotelnikova K. (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Biology). Climate features, types of vegetation communities and floral zoning of Israel.

In closing, the coordinators of the Conference would like to express their deep gratitude for the provided support to EAGE Moscow Office and to the Head of EAGE Local Moscow Chapter Dr. Igor Kerusov.

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