Sand production due rock failure can have a severe impact on the economics of an oil or gas field. Erosion of the downhole or surface components by sand can lead to loss of integrity and hydrocarbon leakage. Production rates may need to be reduced to limit sand from flowing to the surface or filling the wells. Sand handling, either at surface or flushing from downhole, adds expense to lifting costs.
Poor completion decisions at the beginning of production can risk the viability of the field sand management over the life of a field, to maintain economic productivity, needs accurate prediction of sand failure and completion design to increase both productivity and ultimate recovery.
This talk will explain the root cause of sand production to solution. The geomechanics aspect of the rock itself honoring the physics of solid and fluid mechanics relevant to sanding from weak or very weak sandstones, and then uses this understanding to suggest ways of designing screenless completions to take advantage of these aspects to avoid and/or control sand production.
This presentation aims to explain questions on why, how, when and where, how much related sand production. Discuss the methodology to forecast the sand production mechanicsm. Finally the mitigation plans using perforation strategy and completion options. The benefits for life of the field either to avoid or control the sand produce to surface

Surej Subbiah
Surej Kumar Subbiah is the principal geomechanics lead in the Middle East at Schlumberger and is based in Abu Dhabi. He spent the first 5 years of his career in an academic environment as a research associate and a lecturer before joining Schlumberger. With 20 years of experience, Subbiah has been involved in many applied geomechanics projects from well-centric to 3D field scale, and conducted training courses in geomechanics for NeXT Oil and Gas Training and Competency Development (a Schlumberger company), SPE Netherlands, and SPWLA Abu Dhabi. He holds BS and MS degrees in petroleum engineering from the University of Technology in Malaysia, with specialization in geomechanics.