When injecting smart water with a different ion composition than the initial formation water, it is possible to modify the wetting condition of the reservoir in a favorable way, which can have dramatic effects on oil recovery, especially in carbonates.

5th April 2013. 14.00. Olivier Houz, SPE Distinguished Lecturer. KAPPA. Meeting will take place at Gubkin University, Leninskiy av., 65. Preliminary registration is required.
APRIL 23-25, 2013 , MOSCOW, RUSSIA Business hotel “Aerostar”, “Petrovskiy” conference hall 37, building 9, Leningradskiy Prospect, Moscow, www.aerostar.ru REGISTRATION DEADLINE: APRIL 16, 2013

This presentation will show many aspects of hydraulic fracturing practice in TNK-BP. An overview of the main achievements of different fracturing methods will be provided.

Due to this presentation you may learn the basic practices, problems solutions in various stages of hydraulic fracturing, to consult the relevant field data, analysis of different situations, to discuss methods of solving technological problems in the field development practice.

This year’s Student Paper Contest will take place alongside with the second SPE Arctic and Extreme Environments Conference and Exhibition.
С 19 по 21 марта 2013 года НП «НАЭН», при поддержке ОЭРН и участии ФБУ «ГКЗ» проводит семинар на тему: «Основные вопросы моделирования при подсчете геологических запасов и технико-экономическом обосновании коэффициентов извлечения нефти (конденсата)».

7th February 2013, 19.00. Andrey Semenov, Total. Meeting take place at Novatek office, Udaltsova St., 2.

Many exploration and production companies impose a risk threshold on major capital projects (one common such hurdle is a maximum acceptable probability of negative NPV). Projects which fail to meet the threshold are not usually rejected outright; rather, the project team is instructed to gather more information and perform more analyses, so as to reduce the range of economic uncertainty associated with the project.

7th February 2013, 19.00. Andrey Semenov, Total. Meeting will take place at Novatek office, Udaltsova St., 2. Preliminary registration is required. If you’d like to attend, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This presentation is devoted to practical aspects of development and application of Foam Assisted Lift (FAL) technology.

After short discussion on liquid loading phenomena, considerable attention is paid to gathering and analysis of information during candidate-well selection for FAL program, practical issues of treatment type selection, to optimization and monitoring of the treatment performance and advantages of FAL as compare with different AL technologies.